
My Church

My childhood church is being given away for free. What bittersweet memories it holds

This piece of writing was published on the ABC News page May 2022. There has been extraordinary feedback for this story, and I am sure more stories will emerge over time as people reveal their personal betrayal by priests and Church leaders.

Women’s Football

On game day in country Victoria, red boots are laced with pride and men are sidelined.

This writing was published on the ABC News page January 2020.

I had been to the local football game and felt overwhelmed by the pride and commitment shown by the female players and the overall sense of equity and power engendered as the women moved seamlessly into a space historically owned by men.

Fallen Potatoes —the failure of the Catholic Church

This piece was written as part of my course at RMIT and was published by Pearls and Irritations in July 2023. I wrote it as a response to George Pell’s funeral and the inequity faced by women within the Church.

More than an Orange

This piece was written as part of my course at RMIT. It was written as a direct speech to Scott Morrison the then PM and was published with Pearls and Irritations in December 2021.


The Long Way Home

This short piece was written during my RMIT Writing course. The brief was a non-fiction account of a personal experience

Ellie Flies High for Harvest

This article was written for a subject Text and Image as part of my RMIT course in 2021 and was part of a human-interest story for a magazine. Ellie Rankin provided the photos for the article.